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Based on your challenges we use innovation to generate positive impact.
Each year, we undertake innovation projects focused on developing tailored sustainability solutions for wineries. These projects are designed to address specific challenges and create impactful, scalable solutions that drive long-term sustainability.

Innovation Projects

Our ISO 14064 standard-based carbon footprint calculator helps you track and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This tool provides detailed insights into your carbon footprint, allowing you to implement effective strategies for reducing your environmental impact.

GHG Calculator

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We leverage cutting-edge AI tools to optimize sustainability and operational efficiency. Our AI applications can automate data collection, provide real-time insights, and enhance decision-making processes, ensuring your winery operates at peak efficiency while maintaining sustainability.

AI Applications

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We evaluate and improve your application of sustainability in a wider context - with a Positive Impact.


Through the use of our PI Concept methodology, we will carry out an internal analysis of your organisation to establish your Positive Impact strategy to execute and create solutions to transform your products, material flows and business models. 

Our PI Analytics Assessment tool evaluates and improves the circularity in your winery operations. By analysing key aspects of your processes utilising our own indicator-based algorithm to measure, monitor, analyse, and evaluate performance, we provide actionable insights and strategies to enhance sustainability and reduce environmental impact.

PI Analytics Assessment

Our Positive Impact Database is a platform for managing and reporting sustainability data. Integrated with PI Analytics, it allows for efficient data collection, storage, and analysis, ensuring accurate and comprehensive sustainability reporting.

PI Database

Led by Almudena Alberca MW, our winemaking consultation service offers expert advice on sustainable practices. With extensive industry experience, Almudena provides practical solutions to improve the sustainability of your winemaking processes.

Winemaking Consultancy

We offer workshops and seminars to foster a culture of sustainability within your winery. Our training programs are designed to educate and empower your team, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to implement and sustain positive impact practices.

Sustainability Training

Navigating the process of achieving recognised sustainability certifications can be complex. Our team provides guidance and support throughout the certification process, helping you meet the necessary standards and achieve your sustainability goals.

Support to Gain Certification

Our Services

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